Oh Oh! Adventures of the Unexpected Kind

This was one adventure we didn’t count on.   My partner in life, travel and general mayhem (otherwise known as Himself)  has got a deep vein thrombosis.   This was not something we had expected at all, this sort of thing happens to OTHER people, not us.

We started to wonder what was going on in Dubai when Himself developed a rather chubby old lady ankle,  and found walking painful.  The ankle took on a rather attractive shade of purple with little red spots and we put the whole thing down to the heat and carried on to Paris.    Lots more walking and a lot less heat saw the ankle still very painful, but hey its probably due to that back injury Himself had just before we left home.  So we carried on to London (Fleet actually) where our friend Sam who is a paramedic took one look at it and called the doctors, with Himself still protesting vigorously that there was nothing wrong.  Unfortunately the doctors saw it rather differently and I cringe to think of all the walking and plane flights we have taken, oblivious to what was  a ticking time bomb inside Himself’s lower leg.

Paris was wonderful, London was wonderful, but there’s been a notable lack of activity on the blogging front,  DVT has slowed things down somewhat.    Himself can’t walk far at the moment so we take lots of coffee breaks. I can see this trip turning into a coffee tour of the UK and Europe. So much for castles and culture.  Me, I’m all for a bit of suffering, especially when it  involves coffee and croissants, coffee and macarons, coffee and cake etc etc etc.  You get the picture.  And man the Brits are onto something with their cream teas.  Clotted cream is to die for.

We’re off for a Shetland adventure tomorrow – and are planning to travel round the islands and camp for a few nights as well as explore the old family croft on Bressay.  I intend to catch up on some blogging whenever we get decent internet access.

But I’ve  left out the best bit.  Thanks to the NHS I get to inject Himself (aka the Human Pincushion) with anticoagulant in his stomach EVERY night…….


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